[wp-forums] Twitter ain't .ORG

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Sun Jul 21 14:27:49 UTC 2013

Sorry, but it's very simple: sometimes we have to moderate users as well as their posts.

The tweet I quoted was complaining about the WP thread, and the twitter link I deleted from his post was pointing toward his twitter account with that tweet, and his post references that tweet.

This is the email I got from Patrick:

> Dear Mark,
> I'm quite dissapointed in your level of proffesionalism at http://wordpress.org/support/topic/extremely-slow-load-time-2. 
> Let's be clear:
> (1) The Rules do not state anything about twitter. 
> (2) Anything I say on twitter to another user is beyond WP Forum Rules. 
> (3) My services were never advertised on the forum.
> Also, I'm not sure why you are pulling in conversations from twitter into the forum. In fact, that was in response to the Zpanel Forum. 
> I will make sure this message also gets to someone a bit more senior. 
> Best,
> -Patrick

> I will make sure this message also gets to someone a bit more senior. 


I wasn't even sarcastic about him hinting at complaining at WCSF....  :)

(BTW, I'm away from email until tonight)

On Jul 21, 2013, at 12:59 AM, Mika A Epstein wrote:

> Today I have to name names, which I hate doing.
> **Patrick reached out to me on Twitter because a moderator (songdogtech) quoted something he said ON Twitter, in a forum post, which I have now removed.
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/extremely-slow-load-time-2?replies=10&view=all

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