[wp-forums] Twitter ain't .ORG

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Jul 21 06:59:52 UTC 2013

Today I have to name names, which I hate doing.

**Patrick reached out to me on Twitter because a moderator (songdogtech) 
quoted something he said ON Twitter, in a forum post, which I have now 


>  @PatrickNommensen said via twitter:
>Sometimes moderators take all the fun away from helping other folks on 
open source support forums....
>  Right.
>  Read the link. We ask that you keep support in these forums, and not 
via email or twitter.
>  And not link to sell your services. Any other mod will tell you that.

Are we okay with people offering to help for hire, or pushing their 
services? No. But without seeing what the link was that was moderated, 
the best I can say is this: The first comment was okay, assuming the 
link was to a services site of some sort, the second was in no way cool. 
(If it was "I replied to you on Twitter..." then that would actually be 
okay, but worthy of a 'Hey, we like to keep help here, so we don't end 
up like this: http://xkcd.com/979/ " )

Everyone, we need to be a little LESS aggro about links like that. The 
point is to HELP people. That's got to be first, even well above 'Keep 
the forums clean and well regulated.' If you're JUST stepping in to 
moderate without any reply to be constructive, you're not helping as 
much as you think you are.

Mark, I'm thinking you just had a bit of a brusque day and came off 
sounding harsher than you meant. But leave Twitter out of it. If someone 
wants to rant out there and insult us, let 'em. Half the time, those 
rants aren't actually about what you think they were anyway.

Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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