[wp-forums] Whomever edited GoogleTrademarks's post...

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Jul 16 17:29:16 UTC 2013

on 16/07/2013 18:08 Chip Bennett said the following:
> While I (IANAL) find the "market confusion" claim to be dubious, and the
> claim of trademark infringement to be specious

I'd also like to know under which country they're claiming infringement 
under. In the UK, trademarks are registered on a "per sector" basis - 
with sectors strictly defined by central government. So it is perfectly 
possible (and legal) for two companies/groups to register the same 
trademark as long as they are not in the same sector (ie directly 
competing). Is it not the same in the US?


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