[wp-forums] Highwind theme homepage link troubles

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Jul 16 10:00:50 UTC 2013

on 16/07/2013 08:08 Andrew2.Nevins said the following:
> Does anyone get a warning when you visit the "theme homepage" of this
> Highwind themehttp://wordpress.org/themes/highwind  ?
> I see thishttp://snag.gy/JvpAr.jpg

Cc'd to Otto.

I scanned the theme's homepage via Securi and it's coming up clean. when 
I tried to visit the page, FF did throw up a warning but that was in 
relation to the fact that the link is https and there doesn't seem to be 
a correctly associated SSL certificate. I'm guessing that this may just 
have been a mistake in the theme's style.css 
<http://jameskoster.co.uk/highwind/> seems fine.

Perhaps this can be fixed?


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