[wp-forums] "502 Bad Gateway" error when attempting to view forum posts

VoodooPress rvoodoo at voodoopress.com
Thu Jul 11 11:28:01 UTC 2013

I'm actually getting that same error when trying to update any plugins on
any sites.
On Jul 11, 2013 7:26 AM, "Siobhan Bamber" <siobhanbamber at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey.
> I keep returning a "502 Bad Gateway: Nginx" error message when attempting
> to view individual posts on the Support forum. I've attached a screenshot
> showing the exact error message.
> I can view the listings of the posts fine, it's only when clicking on the
> title of a post that this error shows.
> This has only started happening today, and I don't seem to be having any
> trouble accessing any other pages on the web.
> I've gone through all the basic checks - clearing cache, changing browsers
> etc. and have also tried to Google some solutions.
> I'm at a bit of a loss. Has anyone else ever ran into this sort of problem
> with the forums before? Does have any ideas on how I could resolve this?
> Many thanks,
> Siobhan
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