[wp-forums] Video in forums. Thoughts?

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Wed Jul 3 17:57:17 UTC 2013

Searchable and short length and no floggling your own business are good ideas.  -- Mark

On Jul 1, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Christine Rondeau wrote:

> We also need to think about the content in the videos being searchable. We
> would need accompanying content which could be descriptive enough allowing
> search engines to find these videos.
> I do find that videos do help, but only when these are very short. Say a 3
> minute video explaining how to set a menu under appearance for example. And
> I really, really dislike all the advertising at the beginning of each
> video. If  minutes of your 3 minute video is spent pimping your company, I
> don't want to hear that.

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