[wp-forums] Video in forums. Thoughts?

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Jul 2 10:13:07 UTC 2013

on 02/07/2013 01:43 Christine Rondeau said the following:
> We also need to think about the content in the videos being searchable.

And accessible. It's no good having a video if you can't see it or hear 
the commentary.

> We
> would need accompanying content which could be descriptive enough allowing
> search engines to find these videos.

Ideally videos should be additional to text documentation rather than 
replacing it. That way, no one gets left out and all the bases are 
covered. It might also be a good idea to promote wordpress.tv as the 
main resource for anyone uploading videos - perhaps via a new Support 
section? I know that Jen has been talking about developing a new 
captioning project for all videos on wordpress.tv


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