[wp-forums] Something funny going on...

Daniel Fenn danielx386 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 22:50:53 UTC 2013

Q: are they all from the same webhost or did they just upgrade
wordpress? That something else to look at.

On 1/26/13, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net> wrote:
> It seems to me that there has been a quite sudden rise in the number of
> posts reporting header already sent messages - all with issues in line 1
> of their theme's functions.php
> Doesn't appear to be a common theme involved either - judging by the
> theme folder names. Could this be a failed hack? Or the same dodgy theme
> supplier that caused the rash of jquerye.com errors?
> Mel
> --
> http://quirm.net
> http://blackwidows.co.uk
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Daniel Fenn

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