[wp-forums] English text in ES forums

Mar Ventus marventus.wp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 13:24:55 UTC 2013

Hello everybody!
I was just answering some topics on the ES forums and I noticed there are
some texts in English there. Here are a few I noticed:
- Publicado hace *3 hours*
- Unsubscribe from Topic
- This topic is not resolved
- Did you include a link to your site, so that others can see the problem?
- Notify me of follow-up posts via email
If you would like some help with the translation, I'm a native ES speaker,
so just LMK.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Frank Staude <f.staude at me.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> on http://de.forums.wordpress.**org/forum/wordpress-**deutschland#postform<http://de.forums.wordpress.org/forum/wordpress-deutschland#postform>
> links the word "Suche" to http://de.forums.wordpress.**org/search/<http://de.forums.wordpress.org/search/> but this is noch exists. i think the correct link is
> wordpress.org/search  or exists a special search for the german subforum?
> Frank
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