[wp-forums] Marking Posts as Spam

James Huff james at automattic.com
Sun Jan 13 19:09:56 UTC 2013

When you mark a post as spam or not-spam, Akismet immediately learns from
the post, so marking legit non-spam posts as spam just to hide them for
review actually harms the Akismet database thus making it less effective
for everyone.

If you're referring to actual spam, just mark them as spam first, then
delete. This will educate Akismet on the type of spam, and a smarter
Akismet means less published spam. :)

On Sunday, January 13, 2013, Jan Dembowski wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Mika A Epstein wrote:
> > Marking it as spam just makes more work for people trying to find legit
> > posts in the spam queue.
> >
> > You can delete it and really that's the same thing for us ;) Undelting
> and
> > unspamming are one-click operations.
> I usually mark it as spam first then immediately delete it with the idea
> that Akismet may learn it going forward. Which is based on the (possibly
> erroneous) idea that Akismet does learn ham/spam that way.
> Thanks,
> Jan Dembowski
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James Huff

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