[wp-forums] Does Giving Yourself Moderator Status on Forums Create Trouble?

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Sun Jan 13 04:56:49 UTC 2013

Seems to give one more credibility, but also has the tendency to bring more smoke to bear, as they say. But the cranky users are probably cranky to all people in their lives, so they can be ignored with compassion :)

Mika, can you give me access to the bozo list at the other blog as referred to in earlier emails? I think it was mentioned as the P2 blog?

That might kill two birds with one stone, as I commented on the P2 blog about the ETA to 3.5.1 http://make.wordpress.org/core/ , and my comment there is being held in moderation.

thanks, Mark

On Jan 11, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Andrew2.Nevins wrote:

> Is it more trouble to give your profile the status of a Moderator than just a Member?
> As in, do you receive more abuse from forums while using the Moderator status?
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