[wp-forums] Topic closed for no apparent reason?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Jan 10 20:09:47 UTC 2013

cmoral3s posted after the post had been six months idle.

Two major factors at work here:

1) We've had a major WP upgrade since then
2) The post should have been made resolved a while ago

He should have made his own topic, or been encouraged/asked to do so, 
because as you rightly pointed "Not sure if yours is the same." It's 
not. And as soon as we keep letting more and more people pile on one 

Well I tell people it's like everyone shouting out their orders at once 
to the barristas. You get bad coffee :) You'll get bad help if you do 
that, since the helpers have to sort multiple threads, which are all in 
a single line, to help one person. Most of the time this results in the 
OP never being helped. That's why the guidelines say to make their own 
topics. It's way easier to help each individual there, since rarely is 
the problem 100% the same.

There are exceptions of course, but it'll be like "Hey, I get this error 
on this theme." or something very specific. Like Pagespeed and the media 
uploader. You can tell they're the same because you don't get "I have 
the same problem, but only when I use this plugin..." :) That 'but' is 
the indicator that says it's probably not the same problem.

We want to encourage forum users to open multiple threads about similar, 
but NOT the exact same problems. And Joe Buckle jumping in there is 
exactly why.

Mar Ventus wrote:
> Hello, all!
> The following topic in which I was helping out:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-html-wrapper-around-widget-content
> seems to have been closed for no apparent reason. The second poster,
> cmoral3s<http://wordpress.org/support/profile/cmoral3s>, is experiencing
> the exact same problem as the OP, except that the proposed solution does
> not work for him because it only targets text widgets.
> I really think it should be reopened, unless we want to encourage forum
> users to open multiple threads about the exact same problems.
> Thanks!
> Marventus
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