[wp-forums] Support forum registration now has a re-captcha on it

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Jan 8 14:12:36 UTC 2013

on 08/01/2013 04:12 Mika Epstein said the following:
> The one thing that comes to mind is changing bbPress to have the
> first post require approval. That would stop the obvious spammers
> that we're missing anyway.

One tactic used by some spam bots is to re-use the user-id in the other 
fields (eg Location or Interests but never Website). This was 
particularly evident in the ShenZhen spam.

Then there are those who use <http://www.redpopular.com> or 
<http://google.com> as their "web site".

Perhaps these sorts of behaviours could be used to flag up spam accounts 
at registration?


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