[wp-forums] blocked user inquiry

James Huff james at automattic.com
Sat Jan 5 23:45:28 UTC 2013

If it's any help, we keep a page with a table on one of the company P2s
which has the username, reason for banning/bozo'ing, and a link to one of
the threads where the incident occurred (a view=all link for convenience)
for anyone banned or bozo'ed on the WordPress.com forums.

You could probably do something similar with a private page on the support
community P2.

On Saturday, January 5, 2013, mrmist wrote:

> On 05/01/2013 20:06, Jan Dembowski wrote:
>> tl;dr is that he's harassed me on my WordPress installation and was
>> blocked
>> for that reason.
>> If any Michael or mrmist wish (or any moderator) wants to discuss it off
>> list please feel free to contact me.
> No no I think that's enough detail ;)
> We really need a little "ban reason" box.
> mrmist.
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James Huff

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