[wp-forums] Would This Benefit Moderators?

James Huff james at automattic.com
Thu Jan 3 19:10:29 UTC 2013

Curious, is there any automation to this, or would it be up to a moderator to manually assign the value?

If it's automated, what does it look for? 

James Huff


On Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Andrew2.Nevins wrote:

> If there was some functionality that identified threads' sentimental values, would moderators then be able to identify quickly threads that are escalating out of control?
> I was just wondering because it's an interesting subject... For me.
> I'm not trying to run away with the idea, I've just created this screenshot for illustrative purposes, using a traffic-light system to identify different sentiment;
> Green - normal behavior
> Orange - getting frustrated
> Red - angry
> http://awesomescreenshot.com/0e7rn1u87
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