[wp-forums] etiquette question...

Jess Cullinan jess.cullinan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 22:17:03 UTC 2013

Hey all,

Got a mod note request to not use short urls for Codex links on a forum
post, and I'm confused. I copied the troubleshooting list directly from the
Master List thread, and it includes short urls:

   - deactivating *all plugins* (yes, all) to see if this resolves the
   problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find
   the problematic plugin(s). If you can't get into your admin dashboard, try
   resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin (read
   http://bit.ly/UhpkLl if you need help). Sometimes, an apparently
   inactive plugin can still cause problems. Also remember to deactivate any
   plugins in the mu-plugins folder. The easiest way is to rename that folder
   to mu-plugins-old (read http://bit.ly/WMrMM5 for more information on
   - manually upgrading. When all else fails, download a fresh copy of the
   latest.zip file of 3.5 (top right on this page) to your computer, and use
   that to copy up. You may need to delete the wp-admin and wp-includes
   folders on your server. Read the Manual Update directions first:

So.... which is it? And why? Genuinely curious. :-)


Jess (jcull76)

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