[wp-forums] Poor service from WPMUDEV - need advice

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Fri Feb 15 22:05:58 UTC 2013

Since the official policy of the wporg forums is that only wporg-hosted
Themes/Plugins are supported, I think that the forums are absolutely the
wrong place for a customer complaint about a commercial Plugin.
On Feb 15, 2013 4:49 PM, "Christine Rondeau" <christine at bluelimemedia.com>

> I came across this today-
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-fundraising-by-wpmudev-review?replies=1
> and not sure what the protocol is for this kind of thread.
> I don't think that this is a rant or bad but I'm not sure that the support
> forums is the best place for this either.
> Anyone with a suggestion on how to respond?
> **Christine
> *
> ****
> *
> **
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