[wp-forums] Clarification on "extreme circumstance" for removing links in posts

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Feb 3 20:24:24 UTC 2013

You can never tell when they're going to have a case of the annoying 

I had one guy who swore up and down he was going to be fired and lose 
his grant because he broke policy and blah blah blah. I only removed it 
because he was harassing me via email about it. I also deleted all his 
posts and blocked him for not acting like a grown up. And emailed his 
professor. (He started it, he cc'd the guy yelling at me, I reply-all'd 
and explained what volunteer free support means, and that we all screw up.)

Generally, unless someone's being stalked or harassed (like the guy who 
had a site where he put up other people's pictures and made snide 
remarks), I say no and move on.

Trust me, your SEO will recover. It takes PAGES to get to one of my 
sites on the .org forums :) (not halfelf though, but I don't want it to!)

Jennifer Roberts wrote:
> Yeah, yeah... thanks all. I figured as much - gotta get over being a 
> "meany mod" sometimes - LOL.
> And totally agree with you, Andrea - when I see requests like this I 
> always want to go see what's up with it.
> On Feb 3, 2013, at 11:52 AM, Andrea Rennick wrote:
>> Personally I think the removal requests wind up kicking in the Barbra
>> Streisand effect.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbra_Streisand_effect
>> On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Jan Dembowski<jan at dembowski.net> wrote:
>>> Yep, that post is not extreme at all. It's not even embarrassing and we
>>> don't want to encourage people asking like that.
>>> Or more simply "REQUEST DENIED!!!1!" Just don't quote me. :P
>>> Jan Dembowski
>>> On Feb 3, 2013 2:48 PM, "Amy Hendrix"<sabreuse at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> It's not -- think "extreme" like life or death, not like "my boss got
>>> mad".
>>>> On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Jennifer Roberts<wpyogimail at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Guessing this is not:
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/removing-links-in-old-post-on-the-forum-here?replies=7
>>>>> (Yes, I'm probably being a wimpy new mod : ) )
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>> Andrea Rennick, http://wpebooks.com and http://ronandandrea.com
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