[wp-forums] Sometimes, better to let it go..

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Dec 24 20:33:02 UTC 2013

I've actually been deleting posts in that thread, until the OP comes 
back and can tell us what the actual problem is with his plugins.

> I also have two plugins that I need on my sites, and have been using 
> them for a few years,
> and they are not working properly since I updated this one site

THAT deserves a reply. the ranting, just let it go.

Otto wrote:
> Hey guys, you don't always need to respond to threads like these:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/38-update-is-terrible-1
> Sometimes, it's better to just let it go. Everybody has the right to their
> opinion, and some of them get pissy about it. So what? Just let 'em be
> pissy. It's fine. No need to respond and rile 'em up about it.
> At most, point out the old-admin plugins of various kinds, and leave it at
> that. We can't drag everybody along kicking and screaming. It'll settle
> down and sell itself in the long run. :)
> -Otto
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