[wp-forums] Multisite upgrade memory issue

Mika Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Dec 13 18:58:33 UTC 2013

Of course I'm on the road...

How big a site are we talking?

In theory, you don't actually have to run the db part of the upgrade, since visiting each site should do it on its own, but just on a wild shot, get the URL it's failing on.

If it's ending with a site number, increment that by one and see if it works. It may just be one site!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:42 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net> wrote:
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/upgrade-netork-seg-faults-apache?replies=7>
> tl;dr: Memory allocation error @ 256M. Deactivation of all plugins doesn't leave enough memory spare to push upgrade through. Attempts to raise PHP memory to 512M causes apache seg faults.
> My guess is there's something borked in the server config but I'm out of my depth. Can anyone else chime in?
> Mel
> -- 
> http://quirm.net
> http://blackwidows.co.uk
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