[wp-forums] suggestion for Wordpress forums

Daniel danielx386 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 00:01:39 UTC 2013

That's a really good idea, I won't go as far as deleting then but
maybe hide those threads by default? Tagging then would work as well.
Daniel Fenn

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Dylan Kinnett <dylan at nocategories.net> wrote:
> In keeping with the "search first" guideline, it may help to be able to
> flag, or otherwise update any old forum threads, which may have become
> incorrect over time. Here is just one recent example from my own experience.
> Let's say you want to regenerate your post thumbnails. You search, and one
> of the first things you find is this thread:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/rebuild-thumbnails-1?replies=3
> It says "WordPress does not currently give you an easy way to do this" and
> mentions one method from about five years ago, with no reference to a
> plugin like the handy "regenerate
> thumbnails<http://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/>"
> plugin.
> Older plugin pages carry a warning about their age. Would it be possible to
> add something like that to older forum threads, perhaps along with a way to
> down-rank the item in a search? Features like that might go a long way to
> reward users for following the "search first" guideline.
> Just a suggestion :)
> --
> dk
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