[wp-forums] We are not the theme police

Chris Olbekson chris at c3mdigital.com
Thu Aug 22 15:25:17 UTC 2013

Greetings list,

I came across a support thread last night that really bothered me.  One of our moderators accused a user of "stealing" a theme and basically told the user "we don't support stolen themes".  We are not the theme police and shouldn't be judging or even questioning people on how they acquired a theme or plugin.  

Stealing and GPL shouldn't even be used in the same sentence, See: http://justintadlock.com/archives/2013/08/19/its-legal-but-unethical (I don't know if the theme in question was GPL but it really doesn't matter)

We are being to strict on the we don't support non WordPress themes issue.  The question was really a CSS question and could have applied to ANY theme or website for that matter.  If you don't want to answer a question move on and let somebody else answer it.  If the question is theme related then politely direct them toward the correct place to get support but lets not throw accusations out there.

I normally don't step over other moderators but I edited the response even though it was too late and the user saw it.

I haven't had my coffee yet,


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