[wp-forums] What is the "modlook" tag for?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Aug 4 17:45:35 UTC 2013

pluginmod would get my Plugin Attention, but I'd rather not get that 
overused too, since REALLY people should be emailing plugins at 
wordpress.org when there's an actual problem.

I need to add a "My plugin hasn't been approved yet!" to that FAQ, since 
the answer to that is "Yes, they get backlogged. Check your spam email 
to be sure you didn't miss an email, and visit 
http://wordpress.org/plugins/add/ for the current queue status."

Ugh. A plugin section. God knows no one reads the actual FAQ (which I 
need to do over with Otto again)

modlook is for "Things that need moderator attention." That was vague 
because so is what we need to pay attention to. Spam, people being 
abusive, people running off the rails, ZOMG! this thread is 6 pages and 
went off topic so hard it's a sinking ship, and so on.

Jan Dembowski wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Andrew2.Nevins wrote:
>> I don't think the description of the "modlook" tag on Codex describes 
>> what
>> the tag is actually for.
>> http://codex.wordpress.org/Forum_Welcome#Contacting_the_Moderators
> **Drinks more coffee, mutters about the Elixir of Life**
> IMHO the modlook tag should only be for reporting forum topics such as 
> spam
> and/or members behaving abusively.
> In Oliver's plugin question I didn't want him using that tag because not
> all moderators are on the plugin team.
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/adopt-already-deleted-wporg-plugins
> Contacting the moderators that way (also IMHO) wasn't really a good idea
> because he doesn't really have a forum problem as much as he just 
> wanted to
> get quick attention on his plugin adoption problem.
> I don't think members should use that tag just when they want a quick
> reply. That would water down that tag to the point of uselessness.
>> As in, for example, it doesn't say anything about using the tag only for
>> threads that are going against the rules.
> I'm not sure that verbiage needs updating as it's not really abused that
> much at this time. If someone does have verbiage to improve the 
> description
> then that could be discussed on this list. The Codex is editable after
> all...
> Thanks,
> Jan Dembowski
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