[wp-forums] Ethical Obligations for WordPress Users

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Thu Sep 20 22:16:43 UTC 2012

Perhaps I've mis-read it? It seemed to me that it was an idea to sell
prayer time. Or not?

I'll look closer when I get home, won't be the first time I've made a


Jan Dembowski
On Sep 20, 2012 6:03 PM, "esmi at quirm dot net" <esmi at quirm.net> wrote:

> on 20/09/2012 22:11 Andrew2.Nevins said the following:
>> Are there any implications for persons that use WordPress to promote
>> shady business?
>> http://wordpress.org/support/**topic/suggestions-needed-best-**
>> way-to-take-appointments-from-**non-website-members?replies=1<http://wordpress.org/support/topic/suggestions-needed-best-way-to-take-appointments-from-non-website-members?replies=1>
> Not really. If something like this came up on the forums as a complain
> about another WP site, I'd answer with:
> "wordpress.org distributes and documents the  WordPress application but
> has no connection with any site running that software. You need to contact
> the site owners and that's not something we can help you with."
> The policy generally (as I understand it) is that WPORG maintains no
> direct connection with its millions of users and neither endorses nor
> condemns any site that uses the software. Instead, individuals have the
> choice to decide what they do (or do not) wish to see, read or be part of.
> That said, I don't see anything inherently shady or problematic in that
> topic. The proposed site may not be everyone's cup of tea but its heart
> seems to be in the right place.
> Just my two penn'orth...
> esmi
> --
> http://quirm.net
> http://blackwidows.co.uk
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