[wp-forums] Heads up, people

Brandon Kraft web-comments at brandonkraft.com
Thu Sep 20 17:07:19 UTC 2012

Hi all. Not a moderator, but like to help out and just following this list
to learn how things work.

A suggestion - I think, in one sense, adding to the codex the common sense
policy could answer his question without making the mods appear harsh to
those who don't realize there's a legit back story.

Something like:
Disabling Accounts and Banning Users

The volunteer moderators reserve the right to disable accounts for a
limited time or permanently ban users. This is not taken lightly. It is
only ever used when a user has consistently broken forum rules despite
warnings or has committed a severe infraction. Warnings are issued by
moderators editing the offending post, removing the violation and inserting
a note about why the post was edited.

Reasons that accounts may be banned include, but are not limited to:
* Repetitive violation of rules after warning.
* Threats of any manner.
* Derogatory remarks about any person.

etc etc etc.

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