[wp-forums] If you follow modlook on RSS...

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed Sep 19 00:35:19 UTC 2012

Having been off for 3 out of 4 days there were actually a lot in my 
queue (it caches) so I was confused.

I'm going to keep tabs on him. If all his modlooks are good, maybe we 
should mod-promote him ;) Save us time.

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 18/09/2012 23:55 Mika A Epstein said the following:
>> Is anyone else noticing a rather regular occurrence of posts where
>> Andrew Nevin's posts show up in modlook?
> I dealt with one about 1 hour ago:
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/agency-consultant-needed?replies=3>
> I assumed Andrew modlooked it (quite correctly in this case) a few
> minutes before I saw it. Dealt with it and removed the modlook. Not
> noticed any more modlook topics involving Andrew especially. In fact,
> there seem to have been very few modlooks generally lately.
> Mel

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