[wp-forums] It must be Friday, B-Coded _two_ users

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Sep 14 14:17:20 UTC 2012

I have to admit, after *mumble* 18 *mumble* years or so of wrangling 
online communities, there's very rarely a moment where I need a private 
chat with another mod about someone. Usually it's an edge case when 
someone says 'Hey, I want to be a mod!' and I have to ask around "Who 
knows foobar?"

The rest of the time... Well, yes, this list is publicly accessible, but 
those folks are the ones showing their fanny (yes, I know what that 
means, Esmi ;) ) in public. That we can't always see when we're the 
cause of our own downfall is why I think it's okay to semi-public talk 
about it here. Maybe they'll come back and see 'Hey, all these mods read 
this like I was being a total, absolute asshole... Maybe there's 
something to that.'

I will note: If someone is -harassing you- via email off the forums

1) Block the email on your end. I'm not kidding.
2) Report them here
3) Someone will block the account

I'll write this up in detail today, but you guys know the difference 
between annoying and harassing. If they ping you once, tell them "We 
prefer to discuss this on the forums, unless a mod -asks- you to email 
them." if you don't want to talk to them. If they keep harassing you, 
bozo and come here.

My troll list is long.

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