[wp-forums] It must be Friday, B-Coded _two_ users

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Fri Sep 14 12:38:58 UTC 2012

on 14/09/2012 13:02 Andrea Rennick said the following:
> But yeah - there should be something official somewhere with basically a
> "If you're stuck on how to handle this, ask these people"

Taking into account that we're all in very different time zones, I'd 
suggest that this list should be the first place to turn to if there's a 
problem. There's usually someone around who can offer support - even if 
it's only moral support initially.

If there are issues that may not be suitable for an open mailing list, 
then contact details for a few people would definitely be a good idea.

> p.s. - that a thinly veiled offer from me to anyone who needs a sanity
> check. ;)

Ditto. I'm also more than happy to help.


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