[wp-forums] ShenZhen?

Michael Atkins michael at cubecolour.co.uk
Fri Oct 19 18:58:58 UTC 2012

Somthing I think would help dealing with this deluge of ShenZen spam much quicker than presently would be if there was a way for bozo-status to be viewed directly in the spam queue by displaying something under the username for posts in the spam queue by known spammers to indicate when the 'bozo' & 'akismet never trust' flags are set for those users.  Moderators then won't need to to go into the user profile to check whether each user is already marked as a spammer and any spam from previously flagged spammers can be dealt with much quicker than can be done currently.

Hopefully this makes sense?


On 19 Oct 2012, at 19:09, Otto wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:
>>> I was mostly thinking all the ones made this month, since they are
>>> predominantly spamming right now.
>> That's 575 users, but I can't think of any particularly easy way to
>> "remove" them, or even to mark them as bozoes. It would take some
>> direct SQL stuff. Lemme think about it.
> Okay, I figured out a quick way and have marked all of those as bozos.
> -Otto
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