[wp-forums] Spam from ShenZhen

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed Oct 10 13:54:16 UTC 2012

Often I'll do a search on a key word/phrase in the spam in order to wipe 
out 20 or more at once.

That said, we can block the spam accounts here, and I do to try and keep 
the queue to under a few hundred. :/ It's getting to the limit of human 

That's why I wanted the super-block button, to delete all posts and 
block the user in one go.

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 10/10/2012 13:52 Otto said the following:
>> Yeah. And? That's sorta what the spam queue is for.
> But it sure ain't fun trying to check through them at 20 posts a time
> (cleared about 400 first thing yesterday). I estimate we're getting
> about 1,000 per day with up to 75% of them being ShenZhen spam. With
> this level of spam, there's a real risk of genuine posts being missed
> and deleted. I've already had to retrieve deleted posts on at least 1
> occasion because someone alerted me to something that had been deleted
> in error. We're only human and mistakes like this will be happening.
>> We're not trying to block them from sending us their spam.
> Can I ask why not? For that matter, why don't we delete these users?
> Yes - I know they'll create new accounts but they do that anyway. I've
> been experimenting on the Quirm forum which has also been hit with
> this spam. Deleting spam accounts definitely decreases the amount of
> spam per day. Don't delete them and the level of spam rises
> exponentially.
>> We're
>> sending it all through to Akismet anyway. As long as it's showing up
>> in the spam queue, then that's success.
> Doesn't feel like it when you're slogging through the spam queue
> umpteen times a day.
> Mel

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