[wp-forums] dealing with fundamental CSS, PHP, and HTML topics?

Chris Olbekson chris at c3mdigital.com
Thu Oct 4 19:47:41 UTC 2012


I look for commercial theme support threads and add my canned response:
" I'm sorry but commercial themes and plugins behind a paywall are not supported here.  Please contact your vendor for support."

I also try and tag the tread if I know where the theme came from.  If you tag it themeforest, Japh usually comes by and adds a direct link to the right person to contact for support.

Chris Olbekson
X-Team Wordpress Developer
X-Team.com (http://X-Team.com)

On Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jane Wells wrote:

> On 10/4/12 3:04 PM, Mika A Epstein wrote:
> > Basically, I don't think the -free- forums is a good place for 
> > supporting pay-for plugins and themes.
> > 
> > There's responsibility on us to be good WP stewards, and a huge part 
> > of that is encouraging community growth. We can't have growth without 
> > respecting the devs who provide support for their products behind a 
> > paywall. Think what you like about WPMUDev or Genesis - Their stuff is 
> > behind a paywall. We owe it to them to send people back there.
> > 
> And more to the point, wordpress.org (http://wordpress.org) is here to promote the free stuff. 
> Our free support forums are meant for the free stuff that we distribute 
> through our directories. Pointing people to the commercial support 
> available for commercially-supported (a term I use instead of premium 
> because I think it is more accurate) either a) reminds them that they 
> have access to professional support for their purchased product, or b) 
> lets them know the copy they got for free by unofficial means is in fact 
> a commercial product and the creators provide support to offset the 
> development costs.
> It is completely okay to say that the wordpress.org (http://wordpress.org) support forums are 
> meant for the core application, themes and plugins that are distributed 
> on wordpress.org (http://wordpress.org).
> j
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