[wp-forums] Spam!

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Nov 30 17:32:41 UTC 2012

Sergey, I'll fix that for you in a second. Ain't no reason you're not an 
admin except I can never remember your user ID ;)

The tl;dr is "Moderators can delete posts, Admins can bozo/block users"

(Sorry, I was sick last night, got back from the eye doctor at 2pm and 
spent my night on a couch wishing I was dead)

Sergey Biryukov wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:55 PM, esmi at quirm dot 
> net<esmi at quirm.net>wrote:
>> Finally, can I please ask all mods to make an extra effort to mark
>> spammers as bozos.
> I think I have a moderator account (I can mark and delete individual spam
> posts), but I don't see an option to mark someone as bozo (there's no Edit
> link in user profiles). Hence my previous email to this list, asking to
> block an obvious spammer.
> I can do it on ru.forums.wordpress.org though, where I'm an administrator.
> Perhaps only administrators can actually mark someone as bozo?
> Sergey
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