[wp-forums] Looking for suggestions

Ramiro cramiro9 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 22:48:16 UTC 2012

Hello, this is my first post, i dont know even how this works, never 
been on newsletters, i need help, i dont know if this is the place, i am 
a beginner with wordpress, and i need to know what would be best to 
start a theme from scratch or make it fit an existing theme. i have 3 
books "professional Wordpress, design and development",
"24 hs trainer wordpress " and "building online communities with drupal 
phpbb and wordpress".

my question is for anyone... that have more experience on wordpress and 
touching files on themes or child themes.
what books would you suggest me with examples on how does it works 
wordpress themes and the different files on themes like functions.php 
and so on... as i am new with the development in this cms its hard for 
me to read too much technical documents without any examples.
second. how is it called the theme sandbox created a few years ago. i 
cant find it and it seems its a good way to start a theme.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and replies.
Salutations Ramiro.

El 24/11/2012 09:00 a.m., wp-forums-request at lists.automattic.com escribió:
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> Today's Topics:
>     1. Possible Bozo (Andrew2.Nevins)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 15:02:17 +0000
> From: Andrew2.Nevins <Andrew2.Nevins at live.uwe.ac.uk>
> Subject: [wp-forums] Possible Bozo
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> I've noticed this volunteer giving very terse responses and leaving insinuations that appear to provoke reponses.
> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/redder
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