[wp-forums] WP-Insert

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Mon Nov 19 16:04:17 UTC 2012

on 19/11/2012 15:42 Kathryn Presner said the following:
> Hiya, one of my colleagues at Automattic noticed when trying to
> troubleshoot a Jetpack conflict with WP-Insert that the plugin author
> seems to be marking every single thread as resolved (I just undid one)
> even when they aren't. Example:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/after-update-i-receive-a-error-500-page?replies=2

If the plugin author is getting any replies to his questions, then, 
AFAIIA, there's no problem marking the topic as resolved but he really 
should be providing a message when doing so. I use:

As there has not been an update to this topic for a while, I can only 
assume that the issue has now been resolved and I am now marking it as 
such. If this is incorrect, please feel free to change the topic's 
status and/or post a followup.

for eShop topics. Otherwise this kind of non-responsive topic really 
hits your resolution stats.

> To add to the confusion, the plugin dev seems to be bozo'd so some of
> his replies aren't appearing

My guess is that with the sheer volume of real spam hitting the forums 
atm, some of his responses are being inadvertently deleted.

> Can we un-bozo?

Personally, I wouldn't want to unless I knew why he'd been bozo'd in the 
first place.


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