[wp-forums] The "No Bumping" Rule - A Plea For Consistency

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Tue Nov 6 17:29:50 UTC 2012

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Gary Gale <gary at vicchi.org> wrote:
> but then there's also bumping from a plugin or theme author who wants to hear back from the original poster?

You know, we have email notification set to "on" by default. If you
reply to somebody, and they don't respond, then either they don't want
to get the email and unchecked that option deliberately (this doesn't
happen a whole lot), or they did get the email and then ignored or
forgot it.

Trying to nag your users to respond to you is never really a good idea.

Post the answer, mark it resolved, and cease communication. There's no
need to clutter the forums with "well, did that work?" and similar
stuff. Sure, sometimes they'll reply. Mostly, if they're not
responding, then it's a waste of your time to continue the thread. If
you don't feel comfortable marking it resolved when you never got more
info that you needed, then mark it not-a-support-question instead.


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