[wp-forums] Close Sticky Post To Comments?

Gary Gale gary at vicchi.org
Sun Nov 4 15:16:21 UTC 2012

(swaps to browser windows, refreshes, smiles)

Thanks. That's just plain excellent.

I can see lots of reasons why some mortals, maybe plugin authors like myself, might have increased powers on the forums to moderate our own little section of the WordPress forums.

But then I remember the other threads I've read on this mailing list and remind myself that there's an equally large amount of reasons why this would probably be verging on the insane.

One day, I may be elevated to have such magical powers (sighs wistfully) but until then, it's good to know that the WordPress community who hang out on this mailing list are just so damn helpful.

Thank you to you all ... until the next time (which hopefully won't be too soon ... my little section of the Forums seems to trot along my itself without the need for intervention most of the time).


gary at vicchi.org | twitter.com/vicchi | www.linkedin.com/in/garygale | www.garygale.com

On 4 Nov 2012, at 14:49, Mika A Epstein wrote:

> Yes, looks like someone did that for you :)
> And no, mere mortals cannot :( it's annoying, I know.
> On Nov 4, 2012, at 6:23 AM, Gary Gale <gary at vicchi.org> wrote:
>> Great. I'm assuming that's "yes" to a) and to b). I'm also assuming that this isn't something mere mortal users such as myself can do ... so would some kind soul with the necessary powers offer to do this on my behalf perhaps?
>> -Gary
>> --
>> gary at vicchi.org | twitter.com/vicchi | www.linkedin.com/in/garygale | www.garygale.com
>> On 4 Nov 2012, at 14:15, mrmist wrote:
>>> On 04/11/2012 14:02, Gary Gale wrote:
>>>> I have a sticky post on the forum for one of my plugins - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-biographia-problem-or-question-please-read-this-first?replies=4 - which has had a support request attached to the thread in a comment. I've asked the poster to move the thread one level up as a new topic, which they've done, and the support thread is now resolved. Which is nice. http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bio-page-help?replies=3
>>>> But the sticky post was never intended to be for discussion but for information. Not that anyone ever reads sticky posts, but I digress.
>>>> Is it possible to a) close this sticky post to future comments and/or b) remove the comments from that sticky post so people don't open up discussions under the sticky post?
>>> Yes.
>>> mrmist.
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