[wp-forums] Close Sticky Post To Comments?

mrmist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Sun Nov 4 14:15:45 UTC 2012

On 04/11/2012 14:02, Gary Gale wrote:
> I have a sticky post on the forum for one of my plugins - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-biographia-problem-or-question-please-read-this-first?replies=4 - which has had a support request attached to the thread in a comment. I've asked the poster to move the thread one level up as a new topic, which they've done, and the support thread is now resolved. Which is nice. http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bio-page-help?replies=3
> But the sticky post was never intended to be for discussion but for information. Not that anyone ever reads sticky posts, but I digress.
> Is it possible to a) close this sticky post to future comments and/or b) remove the comments from that sticky post so people don't open up discussions under the sticky post?



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