[wp-forums] SocialBlogSite is back

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Thu Mar 29 16:22:58 UTC 2012

You know, I've genuinely tried to assist him but 1) his requirements keep
changing or were just never clear and 2) he's found something that seems
work for him but see item 1).

And now he's once again replying to other threads that has the term
"canonical" in them...? And adding a snarky comment too?

My vote is keep him b-tagged.

Jan Dembowski

On Thursday, March 29, 2012, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:

> on 29/03/2012 14:13 Mika A Epstein said the following:
>> I really can't see what good having multiple topics by the same
>> author with the same question will serve.
> He's fixed his issue but is now convinced that he's uncovered a bug & a
> serious conspiracy to silence him. So he's posting to any canonical topic
> he can find - 5 and 7 months old. I don't think that's a real problem, it's
> the:
> "Pass it on. Last time that I tried to reply every post about something, I
> was banned for spamming. "
> at the bottom of each post that's a problem. For the time being, I've
> deleted them as that's just sh^H^Hmud-stirring but I'm concerned that it
> will fuel his paranoia.
> Mel / esmi
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