[wp-forums] Forum mods = contributor group

Jane Wells jane at automattic.com
Thu Mar 29 13:18:05 UTC 2012

Hi there forum mods/volunteers/contributors. One of the things I've been 
meaning to do in the contributor community for the last 3-4 years is 
*organize* it. Now's the time!

In order to create a closer relationship between all the contributor 
groups, ensure our policies and agendas don't conflict, recognize 
outstanding contributors, and just generally level up, we need some 
organization. To wit:
- I'd like to identify who the active contributors are in each group.
- I'd like to appoint someone from each group (based on votes from the 
active group participants) as a group liaison to the rest of the WP 
project, core, and any cross-team initiatives to improve communication.
- I'd like to set up a central P2 for communicating project-wide things 
so that no contributor group ever has to hear important announcements 
after the fact and we can discuss any issues that come up that could use 
the help/attention of people from other groups (including core).
- I'd like to try and set up a monthly IRC chat and/or Google hangout 
for the liaisons to have some real-time communication.
- I'd like to organize an annual contributor summit. Similar to the core 
team meetup concept, but more inclusive.

I kinda sorta tried to start this a while back, but when I emailed the 
forums list asking for recommendations on who the team rep should be, it 
was 4-way tie, so I went back to doing something else. :)

To prevent this from happening again, I'm making a handy poll for each 
contributor team. Multiple choice! Easy-peasy!
There are 4 questions.

1. Who would you nominate to be the team rep? To prevent the tie thing, 
I'm using a "pick up to 3" format.
2. Is there anyone not on the list of active forum mods/contributors 
that you think should have been on that list and/or that you would have 
liked to nominate?
3. If there was a contributor community summit/meetup at some point this 
autumn, would you be interested in attending?
4. Unrelated, do you think you'll attend WordCamp San Francisco in early 

The survey is at 
and is password protected to help reduce spam responses: wordpressforums2012

If you could fill it in before the weekend is over (or right now... it's 
only 4 questions), that would be great.


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