[wp-forums] SocialBlogSite is back

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Mar 29 12:38:57 UTC 2012

This is the guy who was pathologically incapable of using SVN, to the point that 'SVN was wrong.' He also has three separate accounts, and bolluxes the passwords for them regularly.


He thinks Canonical URLs are wrong, and instead of sticking to his topic to ask for education and help, he's started his old tricks of opening up a new one, every time someone gives him an answer he doesn't like. Esmi closed his 'new' post and we're trying to keep him in one.

(I think he's incorrect, but I'm not really inclined to fight that uphill battle past collecting a little more information as to how he set up his permalinks, since he mentioned /blog/ was his blog page and I see his URLs as being domain.com/foo/ and NOT domain.com/blog/foo/ ...)

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