[wp-forums] B-tagged...

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Mar 27 20:38:42 UTC 2012

Read the other post:


Could esmi have been 'nicer'? Sure. But the replies from MFLesser (I don't know if you can see the 10 ones that have been deleted already) are overboard. In fact, that FIRST post was incredibly polite, helpful and suggestive. NO ONE called her 'stupid' but she insisted on claiming it.

"And some people have blamed me and insinuated my stupidity."

Nope. We didn't. AND MFLesser has a 'solution' to save her posts before uploading. After posting that 'fix', delaine commented, and esmi, rightly, said 'This is 9 months old, you're on a different version, lets have a new post.' We ALL do that. The posts are old, the WP versions out of date, the plugins different... You get the idea. The problems aren't the same for most people. And that's what brought the crazy.

Sure, esmi could have been nicer, but MFLesser could have too. Being a volunteer doesn't mean you're forced to let people kick you. There are limits.

Mika A Epstein (Ipstenu)
Half-Elf Support Rogue and Volunteer WordPress Forum Moderator

On 27 Mar 2012, at 3:26:27PM, Kevin Gagel wrote:

> Mel,
> I read through the post you responded to and your own post. I have to say I'm disappointed in your response, both to your published reply and your actions in shutting down that user.
> Being a volunteer occasionally means putting up with a frustrated user. You don't appear to give any latitude at all to that user in that post. I found no insult in it and no reason to shut it down.
> I'm replying here because this is the only place other forum admins can have a look and decide on whether or not your actions were extreme or appropriate.
> Respectfully...
> Kevin W. Gagel
> Network Administrator
> College of New Caledonia
> (250)562-2131 x5448
> Below is the message I'm replying to or forwarding to you...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of esmi at quirm dot net
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:17 PM
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: [wp-forums] B-tagged...
> <http://wordpress.org/support/profile/mflesser>
> until she calms down, stops posting personal insults and stops threatening to continue posting in the same manner until her post are published.
> Mel
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