[wp-forums] Want to know who added a tag?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Mar 13 22:55:58 UTC 2012

Sometimes, when I see a post tagged modlook and no explanation (or obvious reason), I wonder 'Who the heck is doing this?'

You can find out!

If you view the source (inspect element, whatever) on the tag you'll get this:

<li id="tag-502313_9148468"><a href="http://wordpress.org/tags/cross-theme" rel="tag">cross theme</a> [<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/tag-remove.php?tag=502313&amp;user=9148468&amp;topic=753892&amp;_wpnonce=891f2a8379" class="delete:yourtaglist:tag-502313_9148468" title="Remove this tag">×</a>]</li>

See the tag ID? tag-502313_9148468

The last bit after the underscore is the USER ID of whomever made the tag.

Go to http://wordpress.org/support/profile/9148468 and it'll redirect you.

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