[wp-forums] 404 error on wordpress.org when visiting profile

Matthias Krok info at wplab.de
Thu Jun 21 12:09:42 UTC 2012

I'm afraid, it's not...

http://profiles.wordpress.org/wplab ist a different profile - somebody 
with the username "wplab" (without hyphen).

I chose "wp-lab" (with hyphen) as my username since tried to stay close 
to our domain name - which is wplab.de - and wplab was already taken.

So my profile should actually be at http://profiles.wordpress.org/wp-lab 
- but maybe this dir already existed or hyphens in usernames are 
generally bad, or something else...
> Anyway, the guy who maintains the code is on this list. 
Thanks. Glad to hear that. ;-)

Matt K.

> Mika A Epstein <mailto:ipstenu at ipstenu.org>
> 21. Juni 2012 14:02
> It's
> http://profiles.wordpress.org/wplab
> There have been known issues with that in the profiles. Site. Anyway, 
> the guy who maintains the code is on this list.
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> Matthias Krok <mailto:info at wplab.de>
> 21. Juni 2012 09:48
> This profile seems to be broken:
> http://profiles.wordpress.org/wp-lab
> For some reason, the forum profile for that user (me) works:
> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/wp-lab
> Could someone tell me how to contact the developer of the 
> profiles.wordpress.org site, please? I would then submit this bug 
> directly to him...
> Thanks in advance,
> Matthias Krok

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