[wp-forums] 3.4 & BuddyPress

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Thu Jun 14 14:25:40 UTC 2012

on 14/06/2012 13:18 Mika A Epstein said the following:
> How does the theme world look? I know of two ThemeForest Themes that blew up all over 3.4

Does that include the one with a custom password protection form on 

Genesis (minor); Some warnings being displayed in the backend but no 
impact on functionality. Studiopress are looking into this.

Elegant Themes (major): Any theme that uses ET's custom media uploader 
will have a borked upload modal window (theirs - not WP's). Not sure how 
far this extends across their theme range but, knowing ET, I'd imagine 
quite a few themes are affected. Apparently their forums are pretty busy.

Other than, very quiet. All told, this looks like being a pretty smooth 

At a slight tangent, the Jetpack stats diagram issue seems to be more 
than just traffic. One of the devs popped into a topic and said it was 
being investigated.

> stop laughing, Jan

Aw - shoot! Did I miss something?


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