[wp-forums] 3.4 release timing

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Wed Jun 13 19:08:35 UTC 2012

The world's shortest Master List is up...


I actually don't have any known conflicts yet. Arras theme, maybe, but it was acting the goat with 3.3.2 so it's not really a 3.4 issue. Everything else was a one off on custom code (i.e. not a plugin/theme). Still it's there and any mod can update it :)

I mean that seriously, by the way! If you find one, go ahead and edit the posts, or reopen the topic and add a post. Just close it after, since people will just use it to complain in ;)

On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Jane Wells <jane at automattic.com> wrote:

> Just a heads up, 3.4 will be launching shortly. Man your stations, folks! :)
> j
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