[wp-forums] B'coded user

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Jun 6 15:01:15 UTC 2012

on 06/06/2012 14:08 Jan Dembowski said the following:

> The user in question keeps apparently creating new accounts.

Well spotted! I knew of 3 accounts and was wondering about a fourth but 
hadn't realised that he'd got up to 6 accounts now.

> He's been b-coded due to requesting Skype ID's which the user has done 9
> times out of his 239 posts (yes, i was bored the other day too and had some
> downtime...) and has been cautioned about at least once.

He's also been posting the odd "gibberish" post (and, yes - that is 
taking into account that his first language obviously isn't English). 
These are just random groups of letters. I suspect he's testing to see 
if his account(s) are being "blocked" but since these kinds of test/spam 
posts are likely to be deleted on sight, it's all a little pointless.

Not sure what else we can do other than contacting him via email.


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