[wp-forums] B-Coded user

Andrea Rennick andrea at ronandandrea.com
Sun Jul 29 12:11:53 UTC 2012

This happens on the premium side as well. About half of my first replies to
a post are:

"Can I get a link to your site, so I can go look?"

I've got some people trained, but new ones come in all the time. ;)


On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Francisco de Azevedo <
frandeazevedo at gmail.com> wrote
> About #1, I've noticed that some people are very aware of the "no support
> for premium code" policy and post on the forums anyway with lengthy
> descriptions or code chunks so as not to have to share a link to their
> sites (where premium plugins or themes can be spotted right away in the
> source code). Has anyone else noticed this?
> Andrea Rennick, http://wpebooks.com and http://ronandandrea.com
Co-author of WordPress All-In-One For Dummies http://rml.me/aio

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