[wp-forums] Is planet.wordpress.org down?

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Tue Jul 24 00:19:07 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Jan Dembowski <jan at dembowski.net> wrote:
> The DNS looks good for me.
> planet.wordpress.org.   129     IN      CNAME   wordpress.org.
> wordpress.org.          130     IN      A
> wordpress.org.          130     IN      A
> But it looks like is responding to HTTP requests with zero
> bytes. The .138 answer responds correctly for
> http://planet.wordpress.org/requests.

Those are the load balancers, not the servers. They don't actually
serve anything, they pass the request upstream to one of the (many)
servers. They're used over the whole site and everything else. If one
of them had a problem, it would likely be everything on .org doing it,
not just one piece.


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