[wp-forums] Blocked User

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Jul 15 22:07:30 UTC 2012

Blocked Caps.


Personal attacks on plugin devs, comments on their family life, and I've told him, twice to chill a little.

This topic caught my attention first: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-idea-stream-this-plugin-breaks-up-the-header-area-in-my-headway-theme?replies=17

I assumed his ESL was at fault here and cut him some slack, explaining that he has to accept the limitations of 'free support' with a little more grace than he has been.

This one though... 


The part I removed was where he said that the only way this plugin (and he used 'shitty' in this description) could have gotten any 5 start reviews was if the dev's idiot family voted for him. THAT is an impossible to mistake 'snide' remark. Yes, I edited it out. Personal attacks on devs aren't welcome.

Now he has 14 hidden replies to that thread.

"Snide remark? How is saying friends or family may have given the ratings for this plugin is being snide or disrespectful? The plugin is not deserving of a 5 star rating - period. I wish you did not see it that i am talking disrespectful about your family. Perhaps it is an English translation issue?

I have shared these post to others here and now have documented what you have selected to call, snide and have deleted. This post I have screen captured - so go on with accusing me something that is inaccurate and misleading.

Get upset at my post, but do not say that I've been disrespectful of your family."


"Each time I respond you delete the post - why is this? You are making yourself look unethical by re-editing my post."


Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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