[wp-forums] inappropriate gravatar?

Fong Li Heng fonglh at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 13:59:44 UTC 2012

Actually I think he was just asking why people still aren't helping him on
his original issue even after he changed his avatar. He's not asking why
his avatar got changed.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:58 PM, Jane Wells <jane at automattic.com> wrote:

> On 7/2/12 7:34 AM, Mika A Epstein wrote:
>> I answered him kinda. Told him the rating of the forum, and to take it up
>> with gravatar. That would be egregious abuse of the system, IMO, but ...
>> Well I don't actually find a Nazi swastika (or flag) offensive in and of
>> itself. It's the way you use it. I think we had a regular once who ran a
>> neo-nazi site.
>>  The line isn't about being offensive, but incitement to violence, which
> the Nazi symbol/flag (vs the older symbol from which it was derived) can be
> considered. If he takes it up with gravatar, we'll address it there.
> j
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